Martin Luther King Jr.-
" Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent. "
unknown author-
" Never underestimate a man's will to be free. "
LaBron James-
" But ever since I was a kid, I was always the winner. "
Rudolf Steiner-
" May my soul bloom in love for all existence. "
Edgar Cayce-
" When ye are prepared for a thing, the opportunity to use it presents itself. "
Walt Disney-
" We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiousity keeps leading us down new paths. "
" In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of. "
Mary Pickford-
" If you have made mistakes, there is always another chance for you. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call 'failure' is not falling down, but the staying down. "
Robert Wyatt-
" I know people who grow old and bitter. I want to keep making a fresh start. I don't want them to defeat me. That would be suicidal. "
Bruce Barton-
" Action and reaction, ebb and flow, trial and error, change - this is the rhythm of living. Out of our over-confidence, fear; out of our fear, clearer vision, fresh hope. And out of hope, progress.
George Allen Sr.-
" Forget the past - the future will give you plenty to worry about. "
Thomas Carlyle-
" A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge. "
Ram Dass-
" It is important to expect nothing, to take every experience, including the negative ones, as merely steps on the path, and to proceed. "
Robert Kennedy-
" Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly. "
Rudolf Steiner-
" My soul bloom in love for all existance. "
Edgar Cacey-
" Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions. "
Robert W. Service-
" No man can be a failure if he thinks he's a success; If he thinks he is a winner, then he is. "
Helen Keller-
" The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with heart. "
Eleanor Roosevelt-
" The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. "
George Orwell-
" To surive it is often necessary to fight and to fight you have to dirty yourself. "
Mahatma Gandhi-
" First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. "
David Seabury-
" Courage and conviction are powerful weapons against an enemy who depends only on fists or guns. Animals know when you are afraid; a coward knows when you are not. "